Sunday, May 20, 2007

Special Olympics

Whew! What a big week I have had! I just returned on my “tour” of western Montana. On Wednesday morning I left for Great Falls where I was a guest at the Montana State Special Olympics. They kept me extremely busy all three days! I was first a member of the high five team at gymnastics. This required me to be nothing more than a cheerleader for all of the athletes. As they would tell me all week, they were very glad that I could be there. Next I met up with Miss Montana, Christy Hageman, where we left our hotel room together to meet and greet all 1,000 athletes and teams from all across the state. There were a lot of hand shaking and hugs! After the meet and greeting of the athletes Christy and I got to attend the opening ceremonies. This was my favorite event to attend; we got to lead the parade of athletes into the 4-seasons. It was the opening ceremonies just like you see on TV! Among the honorary talented guests was Montana’s own PBR and PRCA rodeo clown, Flint Rasmussen. He was entertaining as always. On Thursday I had a full day at the Eagle Mount Equestrian center. I was first assigned to take pictures and award medals to the athletes but was fast recruited to be the announcer. I felt right at home! It was a beautiful day to be at the arena and the athletes competing in the events had obviously worked hard to get there. The day’s events didn’t stop there. Christy and I attended a team BBQ where all the athletes were eager to tell us the day’s accomplishments; and then there was the dance! To be honest, this event was a little overwhelming. Everyone at the dance either wanted an autograph or wanted to dance with Christy and me or both. The attention we received was amazing and it was a good thing there was two of us because we certainly couldn’t have accommodated for all of the people wanting to talk to us alone! Christy and I were exhausted after our busy day but were up and at it again on Friday where we helped give away the final medals of the week at track and field. This was a humbling experience seeing how excited the athletes were to be awarded their medals. After the closing ceremonies I took a moment to reflect on what a great event I just took place in. The support Great Falls has for the Special Olympics is astronomical with almost a 1 to 1 ratio of volunteers to athletes and several dozen equally supportive sponsors. Great Falls will be the host for the state summer games one more year until it moves to Bozeman.

In between the chaos of the Olympics I got to stop downtown to visit with Mike from Hogland’s, one of my supportive sponsors. He set me up with a great pair of boots. While I was visiting with him I got stuck with a $3 parking ticket! I was the brunt of jokes the rest of the week because I thought I was innocent until Christy, Miss Montana, asked me if I paid the parking meter before I went in to the store. She thought I was crazy when I told her that I have never had to pay a parking meter in all my life, so naturally I didn’t think the meter applied to me at that time. Another lesson learned!

After the closing ceremonies at the Olympics I jumped in the pickup and drove to the Paws Up arena by Missoula. I had never been to the Paws Up so I was in for a real treat. What a beautiful resort and arena! Paws Up was host to the 2nd annual Cowgirl U event. Last year it was at a resort in Texas so it is an honor to have it here in Montana this year. Cowgirl U is hosted by the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Fort Worth, Texas. Basically, it is a cowgirl camp where 30 ladies from around the US apply to come and learn how to be a cowgirl, which was to include roping, trail riding, branding, etc. Well instead of regular instructors the Hall of Fame brought in five ladies who are in the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame! So I got to mingle with the honorees and other ladies for the night. The Paws Up arena had an open house where there was a marketplace set up with different vendors from around the state. I met up with Sarah Capp who helped me with my booth. There were a lot of people interested in Miss Rodeo Montana and my duties!

Sarah and I stayed at a beautiful cabin between Seely Lake and Condon that night and drove to Kalispell the next day. Here there was to be the 2nd Annual LWI, Luke Warner Invitational. It was called Broncs, Bruises, and Braggin Rights which was a bronc riding only. I carried the American Flag, greeted the audience, and signed autographs. The horse I got to ride was extremely special! If you have ever seen the movie Open Range with Kevin Costner I got to ride Coyote who was the horse Kevin rode throughout the movie! Needless to say, I had a good mount for this already special event! It was a busy week and I am glad to be back in Bozeman for a few days until I am on the road again!

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