Monday, August 20, 2007

North Western Fair and Pro Rodeo

Well I am finally home now for about a week between events for Miss Rodeo Montana. I just returned from Kalispell where the Northwestern fair, rodeo and pageant took place. After traveling through the smoke where visibility was down to only a half a mile with some delays I arrived in Kalispell with a heavy heart from the sights of my beautiful state on fire.

Thursday night was the first night of Kessler rodeo in Kalispell. I met up with Bob Tallman, the talented NFR announcer, and we caught up since seeing him last in Calgary. The rodeo went great every night. All the Little Miss, Princess and Queen contestants participated and were announced every night which they all enjoyed immensely! Friday morning was the parade. What a turnout! Kalispell and the surrounding communities really take pride in their week of fair and rodeo and it is evident. After the rodeo that night the contestants, parents, committee members and myself had a pizza party where we all shared our most memorable and embarrassing stories of being a queen or queen contestant. It was a ball listening to all the girls’ stories and it was obvious that those girls were having a good time getting to know each other. I didn’t realize it but I have A LOT of embarrassing moments as Miss Rodeo Montana. I think everyone was pretty entertained that night!

Saturday the coronation was held and I have to say it was my first coronation that I have attended in a sale barn! It was a great venue to have it though because they got a pretty good crowd. Congratulations to all of the girls who won the titles and everyone who competed. The newly crowned girls were announced that night at the rodeo and I enjoyed showing them the “ropes” of chasing out cattle and helping where we were needed during the rodeo. Saturday night was also pretty special because once again Fred Whitfield made an appearance during the performance. He has made it to a handful of Montana rodeos this summer and each time he’s in the performance he is willing to meet fans and sign autographs. Overall I had a really nice time in Kalispell. Driving back to Bozeman I was again a little sad the fires have not let up. Please keep the people working on the fires in your thoughts and let’s all pray for rain!

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