Monday, March 5, 2007

Kids Care Fair and Preparation for Coronation!

Well it’s been about two weeks since I updated on what I have been doing since the NRA finals in Billings. I have actually had about two weeks of down time, if you could call it that! After returning home from the NRA finals and San Antonio I caught up on sleep and laundry and I have had a little bit of time to work. My bosses appreciate me coming in every now and then to justify me keeping my employee discount! I am very lucky that they have agreed to be so flexible with my schedule. I can pretty much call in on Monday’s and ask if it’s all right if I work a couple days this week. It’s pretty nice!

This past Saturday I made a quick day trip to Helena for a kiddie rodeo at the Kids Care Fair and I finally got a hold of my first printing of autograph sheets! Jody and I were in question that it was never going to happen. The Kids Care Fair was held at the mall in Helena where different organizations around the state set up booths aiming towards the kids. Booths such as Eagle Mount, dental hygiene and healthy diets were on display. Between booths and exhibits was the event room where every hour there was a presentation by a “celebrity.” I happened to be one of the celebrities! I put on a kiddie rodeo and although attendance was down the children and parents that were there loved it! The girls (and some boys) got paper Miss Rodeo America crowns and I signed autographs after the rodeo. It was a fun day!

In a week I head off to Pocatello, Idaho for the Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo. I am really excited for this event because it’s not a long drive for me and I will get to meet some of the state queens I haven’t met already. Not to mention that the DNCFR is like second to the NFR. There is a selection process for the queens that actually get to go and this year I was selected so that’s exciting in itself! I am sure they will keep us very busy throughout the week.

The rest of March is pretty busy for me so I am spending this week working hard on my preparations for my coronation fundraiser. Finding silent and live auction items is a time consuming and sometimes difficult task. If anyone has an idea for an auction item or knows someone who would like to donate please contact me! My coronation committee and I need all the help we can get! Happy trails everyone!

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