Tuesday, February 20, 2007

San Antonio and NRA Finals

In the top pictures are Miss Rodeo Texas, Joanna Blackwell, Margarie Murphy, Texas National Director, and Julie my hostess.

Boy I am glad to be home! I was gone for 8 days but it felt like a month! I have just returned from Billings where I flew down to the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo and the Northern Rodeo Association Finals in Billings. I am beginning to get this traveling and packing thing down. I drove to Billings on the 11th to fly out to Texas. I was hoping it would be really nice weather but it turned out to be only about 40 or 50 degrees. I thought it wasn’t too bad but those poor Texans are so used to the warm weather they were out in their ski masks and beanie caps! I was fortunate enough to have a hostess to stay with. Julie picked me up from the airport that night; I ended up getting to know her very well and we had a lot of fun together. The San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo takes pride on being voted two years in a row the Large Indoor Rodeo of the Year and is the first regular-season rodeo to offer $1 million in prize money! Needless to say, I was in the big time! I got to see my favorite cowboy, Trevor Brazile up close and in action! Once again Montana was very well represented, Rod Lyman made a run in the bull dogging, Shaun Stroh, Shelly Anzick and Will Stovall also made impressions in Texas. I can’t go without mentioning the stock. A spectator would hear Hadley Barrett announce the state of Montana countless times during the rough stock events because both Sankey and Kesler rodeo brought their best stock to town. After each rodeo performance was a concert and I was there during what I thought were the best three concerts! I got to see Willie Nelson, The Beach Boys, and Neal McCoy. I definitely can not choose a favorite from those three! Miss Rodeo Texas, Joanna Blackwell and I spoke at daily school tour events, visited sponsors and shopped at the huge trade show and signed hundreds of autographs after each rodeo. Joanna is a real class act and after getting to know her throughout the week I know I have gained a new friend!

The rodeo and stock show were only a fraction of my experience in San Antonio. Since I was staying with Julie she knew all the really cool places to eat and all the sight seeing experiences I needed to see. On this trip there were a lot of firsts including trying caviar for the first time and experiencing valet parking. I don’t think I have ever been to a zoo before either and San Antonio’s zoo is ranked 3rd best in the nation! You can bet I was going to see that zoo! San Antonio’s leading industry is their tourism so I had plenty to see. I spent some time on the beautiful Riverwalk, did some local shopping, and ate at the Tower of America’s restaurant. The Tower of America’s was built in 1968 during the World’s Fair. It is a close resemblance to the Space Needle in Seattle and when you are eating in the restaurant the floor rotates around so you can see every angle of San Antonio as it stretches for miles in each direction. If you’re afraid of heights this is a restaurant you probably want to skip when you’re in San Antone. I had such a blast and once again met a ton of people all wanting to connect with Miss Rodeo Montana in some way.

A slight damper in my trip was missing my plane because of a mix up with the gate numbers so once I finally got back to Billings of course my luggage was no where to be found. Well, thankfully it came in and it was all undamaged so I survived more rough traveling accommodations.

I wasn’t ready to go home yet. I had the NRA finals right there in Billings for the weekend. I was so excited to be at a Montana rodeo and I was able to carry flags with Miss Teen Rodeo Montana, Lorissa Harris for the first time since we were crowned together in Great Falls. I also had the chance to meet Jessica the Ravalli County Queen. She traveled 10 hours to carry flags at the NRA!! The two girls and I had a blast. Lorissa and I had a small radio spot on Friday and we all signed autographs after the rodeo with the bullfighters and announcers. Many of our family and friends traveled to Billings just to see us in the rodeo! It was a weekend of great entertainment and fast action rodeo. For all of our work the committee was generous enough to give us girls free NRA finals vests!

I have a nice break before I enter a pretty busy month of March. I will be talking on 100.7 XL Country here in Bozeman on Wednesday about my travels. Until next time Montana, Happy Trails!

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