Monday, January 22, 2007

Miss Rodeo Montana 2007 Megan Hardy

Hello everyone! Coming to you from Bozeman, Montana as your newly crowned Miss Rodeo Montana 2007 I would like to welcome you all to my blog! First and foremost thank you for all the kind calls, emails, and cards many of you have sent over this past week. They have all meant a great deal to me and I am so glad I can share my dream of being Miss Rodeo Montana with as many people as possible by keeping up with the Miss Rodeo Montana travel blog. As one of my goals for this year is to try and keep everyone updated on my travels throughout the year. I have my Mom to thank for coming up with this great idea and putting everything together for me.

Well, my first week as the newly crowned Miss Rodeo Montana was hectic and somewhat overwhelming but I survived! My year kicked off with the last performance of the Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit Finals where I carried flags, chased cattle, and handed out awards. I got through the rodeo without any major road blocks. The next morning was an early one; I was interviewed on about five different radio stations and had one TV interview in Great Falls. I am that girl that continues to have problems with driving directions thus I found that one thing I can see myself struggling with this year is getting directions to the different functions because I proceeded to get myself lost in Great Falls at 6:30 in the morning trying to find the radio station. It turns out that the radio stations were “hidden” in the upstairs of a retirement home. Who would have thought! All in all, the many interviews I had in the days after I was crowned ran very smoothly. After I returned to Bozeman I had a very long list of things to be done in just a few days before I was back on the road again headed to Great Falls for the M.A.G.I.E. I have gotten off to a great start and thanks to XL Country here in Bozeman I have already gotten some calls from businesses wanting to sponsor me. I was the co-host on Friday morning on the country morning show and I can now include playing the tambourine to my list of “talents.” It will be just one of the many impromptu things that will happen to me throughout my year as Miss Rodeo Montana I am sure. I spent the weekend in Great Falls for the industrial expo where I met some more potential sponsors. Meeting even more people that day, Cassidy and I then went to “A Night at the Mint” at the Charlie Russell Museum. Continuing to try and find sponsors, plan my coronation, and get some rest when time allows I am now back in Bozeman for a few days before I am off to Billings and Lewistown next weekend. I have already been blessed by so many people offering to help me in however they can and I truly am excited about representing our beautiful state of Montana in the coming year. I will look forward to reading everyone’s responses and emails! See you down the road!

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