Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bon Voyage!

Hello everybody! I am vigorously preparing for the Miss Rodeo America pageant. Clothes are coming in and I am studying morning, noon and night. If you think you can stump me I always like a fresh question so send them on!
My good friend Miss Rodeo Wyoming, Crystal Rivers, came up to Bozeman to visit me and study together. We had such a great time hanging out. She had never been duck hunting so I made sure she got to experience the thrill of dressing in camo and hunting birds. She had fun and we made sure we both had all ten fingers and toes by the time the shot guns were put away!
In just a few days I will be leaving for Japan. I can not wait to experience my very first over seas trip! I am a little nervous about the flight but once I get over there I know I will have a blast. I hope to keep a journal while I am over there so I can fill everyone in on what I did. I will be gone for ten whole days. Bon Voyage!!